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covbr - Detail Report

covbr [options] [region ...]


covbr produces a report showing detailed coverage information with annotated source code. With no arguments, covbr displays measurements for all analyzed source. Otherwise, covbr reports measurements in each source region. For more information, see Regions.

For each source file selected, covbr displays the source file name, relative to the current directory, followed by an annotated listing of the file. Coverage measurements appear to the left of the source code.

If there is more than one probe for a source line, covbr outputs multiple lines with the same line number and consecutive letters to distinguish them. In the example below, !quit has evaluated both true and false and c!=EOF has only evaluated true.

TF       19a    if (
  tf     19b        !quit &&
  -->t   19c                 c!=EOF)

This command searches for source files in the directories maintained by the Coverage Browser menu commands Region Locate Source and Region Source Locations.

You can specify command line arguments in a file using the syntax @filename.


-a--all Show all source lines. This option is mutually exclusive with -c (--context).
-cN--context N Show only N source lines of context before or after a probe. This is the default, with N=3. Specify N=0 to see only the lines containing measurements. covbr replaces suppressed lines with "..." unless N=0. This option is mutually exclusive with -a (--all).
-dDir--srcdir Dir Look for source files relative to directory Dir rather than relative to the directory where the coverage file is located.
-eN--tab N Expand tabs to every Nth column. The default is N=8.
-fPath--file Path The coverage file is specified by Path. The default is test.cov.
-h--help Display a summary of options.
-i--no-time Ignore source file date/time. Normally, covbr produces an error message for each source file modified since probes were added. If you use this option, measurements might not appear at the correct line numbers.
-q--quiet Suppress warnings and the copyright message.
-u--uncover Suppress fully covered probes. This option has no effect with -a (--all).
-v--verbose Show informational messages. If the report is empty, output an explanation.
-wN--width N Limit the report width to N columns. This option has no effect with --html.
--csv Output comma separated values. Use this option to export coverage measurements into another program. The format of each output line is "source,line,[letter],kind,[event],[function]", where letter distinguishes identical line numbers; kind is one of catch, condition, decision, for-range-body, function, switch-label, or try; event is one of T, F, TF, t, f, tf, or X; and function gives the function name if the line is for a function. Unless you specify option -q (--quiet), covbr outputs column headings. Only the following options have effect: -d (--srcdir), -f (--file), -h (--help), -q (--quiet).
--html Output in HTML format. This option is deprecated. See covhtml.
--no-banner Suppress startup banner

Environment Variables

COVFILEThe coverage file. Option -f (--file) overrides this setting.
COVSRCDIRThe source file directory. Option -d (--srcdir) overrides this setting.
COVBRCFGConfiguration file. See FILES.


If the files listed below exist, they contain initial options separated by white space. Within these files, $NAME is replaced by the value of the environment variable named NAME.


Updated: 10 Dec 2020