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Running Instrumented Executables

This section describes how to run instrumented executables on Windows and Unix-like systems. This information also applies to Windows drivers.

This information does not apply to:

The Coverage File

Each instrumented program must update the same coverage file that was written when the program was built and instrumented. The COVFILE environment variable names this file. Alternatively, you can set COVFILELIST to a list of comma separated filenames. The COVFILELIST environment variable overrides COVFILE at run-time. At build time, COVFILELIST is not used. The coverage file size does not increase due to run-time activity.

There are two alternative methods for running instrumented programs on computers other than the build system.

  1. Copy the coverage file to each test computer and set COVFILE to the location of the copy. Merge the copies together after testing.
  2. On each test computer, set COVFILE to the same network path of a single instance of the coverage file. If there are many test computers, this method may introduce performance degradation due to limited network bandwidth.

The run-time library saves coverage to the coverage file:

Error Reporting

When a run-time problem occurs, the run-time library issues an error message. If the COVERR environment variable is set, error messages are appended to the file named and no other error reporting is performed. Otherwise, error messages are reported by all the methods described below.

Environment Variables

If the run-time library does not find an environment variable in the process environment strings, it looks for settings in a file named BullseyeCoverageEnv.txt as described for Windows and Unix-like systems.

Daemon Processes

Here are several options for setting the path to the coverage file for a daemon process.

Updated: 31 Oct 2023