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Microsoft C++ Error C2131


The error below occurs with BullseyeCoverage enabled, but does not occur without BullseyeCoverage.

error C2131: expression did not evaluate to a constant


The compiler normally detects that the indicated expression is compile-time constant. With instrumentation, the compiler cannot make this determination.


Either use the constexpr keyword to explicitly declare the expression as a compile-time constant, or exclude the code from instrumentation.

For example, instrumenting the code below results in error C2131.

template<unsigned n>
void f()
    const unsigned length = n < 10 ? 20 : 30;
    //constexpr unsigned length = n < 10 ? 20 : 30; // uncomment to resolve
    int array[length];                              // C2131 with BullseyeCoverage enabled
int main()


Microsoft introduced support for constexpr with Visual Studio 2015.

Updated: 24 Apr 2017